What to wear for your very first Family Portrait Session

Think of it this way: Most often than not, a family’s VERY FIRST PORTRAIT (Shhhh…I love saying that out loud! For me, the thought of it is super exciting) with their newborn is up on the wall as a Canvas or as a Framed Large Print. You will be looking at this portrait day in and day out, enjoying and remembering your baby’s tiny features and smiling from your heart. What you don’t want is to be thinking “What was I thinking wearing that shirt?!”.

Funny, I know. But trust me, I’ve seen it firsthand.

Styled Stock Photos for Instagram and Social Media, Flatlays, Social Squares from the SC Stockshop

Parents come in with wrinkled t-shirts and messy hair (which is more than normal considering the fact that they’re barely getting sleep with a newborn and probably skipping meals too), thinking that Photoshop magic can fix everything. While Photoshop can indeed do the unthinkable, it is easier for both the photographer and yourself to decide on your wardrobe ahead of time during the pre-session consultation. I always recommend either solid Neutrals, Black or White for parents. Avoiding prints and colors gives the portrait a much classier, timeless look, making it less probable to look at this portrait a few years down the road and regret your wardrobe choices.

We all love some COLOR, including me! But when it comes to Family portraits, keeping it simple and classic is my go-to!

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